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API class for interacting with the serverless api




  • new api(jwt: string): api



endpoint: string

The endpoint of the serverless api


jwt: string

The jwt token for authentication, get it at



  • indexName(data: { name: string }): Promise<{ error?: string; isIndexed: boolean; reason?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Index the NFT using serverless api call The NFT mint transaction should be included in the block before calling this function otherwise it will fail and return isIndexed : false


    • data: { name: string }

      The data for the indexName call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; isIndexed: boolean; reason?: string; success: boolean }>


  • jobResult(data: { jobId: string }): Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>
  • Gets the result of the job using serverless api call


    • data: { jobId: string }

      the data for the jobResult call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>

    where result is the result of the job if the job is not finished yet, the result will be undefined if the job failed, the result will be undefined and error will be set if the job is finished, the result will be set and error will be undefined if the job is not found, the result will be undefined and error will be set


  • lookupName(name: string): Promise<{ address?: string; chain?: string; contract?: string; error?: string; found?: boolean; reason?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Gets the address (publicKey) of the NFT using serverless api call


    • name: string

      The name of the NFT

    Returns Promise<{ address?: string; chain?: string; contract?: string; error?: string; found?: boolean; reason?: string; success: boolean }>


  • mint(data: { privateKey: string; signature: string; uri: string; useArweave?: boolean }): Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Mints a new NFT using serverless api call


    • data: { privateKey: string; signature: string; uri: string; useArweave?: boolean }

      the data for the mint call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>

    where jonId is the jobId of the minting transaction


  • post(data: { commitData: MinaNFTCommitData; nftName: string; ownerPublicKey: string; postName: string }): Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Creates a new post for existing NFT using serverless api call


    • data: { commitData: MinaNFTCommitData; nftName: string; ownerPublicKey: string; postName: string }

      the data for the post call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>

    where jonId is the jobId of the minting transaction


  • proof(data: { args: string[]; developer: string; name: string; task: string; transactions: string[] }): Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Starts a new job for the proof calculation using serverless api call The developer and name should correspond to the BackupPlugin of the API All other parameters should correspond to the parameters of the BackupPlugin


    • data: { args: string[]; developer: string; name: string; task: string; transactions: string[] }

      the data for the proof call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; jobId?: string; success: boolean }>

    where jonId is the jobId of the job


  • queryBilling(): Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>
  • Gets the billing report for the jobs sent using JWT

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>

    where result is the billing report


  • reserveName(data: { chain: blockchain; contract: string; name: string; publicKey: string }): Promise<{ error?: string; isReserved: boolean; price: object; reason?: string; signature?: string; success: boolean }>
  • Reserves the name of the NFT using serverless api call


    • data: { chain: blockchain; contract: string; name: string; publicKey: string }

      The data for the reserveName call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; isReserved: boolean; price: object; reason?: string; signature?: string; success: boolean }>


  • waitForJobResult(data: { interval?: number; jobId: string; maxAttempts?: number; maxErrors?: number }): Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>
  • Waits for the job to finish


    • data: { interval?: number; jobId: string; maxAttempts?: number; maxErrors?: number }

      the data for the waitForJobResult call

    Returns Promise<{ error?: string; result?: any; success: boolean }>

    where result is the result of the job