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Mina NFT CLI tool (c) DFST 2024

Usage: minanft [options] [command]

Mina NFT CLI tool

-V, --version output the version number
-p, --password <string> password
-o, --offline offline mode
-d, --debug debug mode
-h, --help display help for command

rollup.blocks [options] Show information about the last 10 Rollup blocks
rollup.list List all Rollup NFT names <name> Get the information about the Rollup NFT name
rollup.prove.keys [options] <name> Prove Rollup NFT private values off-chain
rollup.prove.key [options] <name> Prove Rollup NFT private value on-chain
verifier.deploy <privateKey> Deploy Rollup NFT verifier contract
verifier.upgrade <privateKey> Upgrade Rollup NFT verifier contract
balance <name> Check the balance of the existing MINA protocol account
createaccount [options] <name> Create new MINA protocol account or import existing one
exportaccount <name> Export existing MINA protocol account
reserve <name> [account] Reserve NFT name
create [options] <name> [owner] Create NFT
index <name> Index NFT name for frontend
prove [options] <name> Prove NFT metadata
provefile [options] <name> <key> Prove NFT file
provetext [options] <name> <key> Prove NFT text
provepng [options] <name> <key> <original> <redacte> Prove NFT png image
verify <name> Verify NFT metadata
verifyfile [options] <name> <key> <file> Verify NFT file
verifytext <name> <key> Verify NFT redacted text file
verifypng <name> <key> <png> Verify NFT redacted png file
mask <name> <star> <end> Create or update file mask
redact [options] <name> <mask> Create redacted file using mask
regexp <name> <mask> Create redacted file using regular expression
redactedproof [options] <name> Create redacted file proof
verifyredactedproof [options] <name> Verify redacted file proof
jwt <jwt> Set JWT token for the online MinaNFT API
exportjwt Export MinaNFT JWT token
word <name> Convert word file to text
ipfs <jwt> Set Pinata JWT token for the IPFS storage
arweave <key> Set Arweave private key for the Arweave storage
changepassword <name> <type> <oldPwd> <newPwd> Change password for existing file
help [command] display help for command