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CLI tool

  • Reserve the NFT name using MinaNFT API (online mode) or frontend helper (offline mode)
  • Create NFT locally (online mode) or locally with prepared in-advance IPFS or Arweave hashes (offline mode)
  • Mint the NFT locally (online mode) or using frontend helper (offline mode)
  • Add to the NFT during creation:
    • Public or private key-value pairs
    • Texts
    • Text, PNG, Word or binary files
  • Indexing new NFT for the frontend (online only)
  • Creating the masks for redacting the text or png files
  • Redact text files using regular expressions
  • Redact text and png files using masks
  • Creating and verifying proofs for texts and files
  • Creating and verifying proofs for redacted text and png files
  • Setting configuration:
    • MinaNFT API JWT
    • IPFS Pintata JWS
    • Arweave key
  • Encryption of user's data using user's password
  • MINA accounts
    • Creating MINA account
    • Importing MINA account by using private or public key
    • Checking account balance (online only)
    • Exporting private and public keys of the account