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MinaNFT offers a suite of powerful plugins and contracts designed to enhance the functionality and security of your NFTs on the Mina Protocol.

MinaNFTVerifierBadge Contract

Illustration of the MinaNFTVerifierBadge Contract

The MinaNFTVerifierBadge contract is integral for issuing verification badges to NFTs. It is designed to verify a single key such as "twitter" and issues tokens to the NFT address. The quantity of tokens issued corresponds to the version number of the NFT.


  • Badge Issuance: Automatically issues verification badges to NFTs.
  • Version Tracking: The number of tokens reflects the NFT version, ensuring up-to-date verification.

Version Updates:

When an NFT's metadata is updated or ownership changes, resulting in a version increment, the previously issued verification becomes invalid. The NFT must undergo the verification process again to receive a new badge.

Escrow Contract

The Escrow contract acts as an escrow agent, providing a secure transactional layer for NFT sales. It handles deposits in MINA and tokens, and ensures that the NFT owner's approval for sale is in place.


  • Secure Deposits: Accepts MINA and token deposits.
  • Sale Approval: Waits for NFT owner's confirmation to proceed with the sale.
  • KYC Compliance: Verifies that all parties have passed the necessary KYC checks.

After all confirmations and funds are received, the contract facilitates the transfer of the NFT to the new owner.

Verifier Stateless Contract

The Verifier stateless contract is tasked with on-chain verification of redacted metadata. It is streamlined for efficiency, with a single function that takes the NFT address and RedactedMinaNFTMapStateProof as arguments.


  • On-Chain Proof: Checks the validity of RedactedMinaNFTMapStateProof.
  • Metadata Integrity: Ensures that the redacted metadata matches the original.

RedactedMinaNFTMapCalculation ZkProgram

This ZkProgram is at the heart of recursive proof generation. It confirms that all elements of the redacted Merkle Map, which holds the metadata, are present in the original Merkle Map.

Recursive Proofs:

  • Proof Generation: Creates recursive proofs to confirm the integrity of redacted metadata.
  • Map Validation: Ensures the redacted Merkle Map is a valid subset of the original NFT metadata map.

Our suite of plugins and contracts empowers users with secure, verifiable, and efficient NFT transactions. For more detailed documentation on each plugin, please visit the API Reference.