minanft TypeScript/JavaScript library
- TypeScript wrappers for contracts:
- MinaNFT - main class for managing the NFT. Most interaction with NFT is executed with the help of this class.
- MinaNFTBadge - class for managing badges
- MinaNFTNameService - Name Service
- MinaNFTEscrow - Escrow
- RedactedMinaNFT - redacted Merkle Map proof calculations
- RedactedTree - redacted Merkle Tree proof calculation
- MinaNFTTreeVerifierFunction for generation Merkle Tree verification SmartContract and Merkle Tree proof calculation ZkProgram for the Merkle Trees of given height
- api class for API calls
- IPFS for IPFS off-chain storage
- ARWEAVE for Arweave off-chain storage
- BackendPlugin for parallel calculations of the recursive proofs in the serverless backend