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This tutorial will guide you through creating a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) using the MinaNFT library. Follow these simple steps to mint your NFT.


  • Ensure you have the MinaNFT library installed.
  • You should have an image file ready to use as your NFT's visual representation.
  • Make sure you have your Pinata JWT for IPFS pinning.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Initialize Your NFT

First, create a new instance of MinaNFT with a unique name for your NFT.

const nft = new MinaNFT({ name: `@test` });

2. Set the NFT Description

Next, add a description to your NFT. You can use a long text and even Markdown for formatting.

key: `description`,
text: "This is my long description of the NFT. Can be of any length, supports markdown.",

3. Add an Image to Your NFT

Now, update your NFT with an image. Provide the path to your image file and your Pinata JWT for IPFS pinning.

await nft.updateImage({
filename: "./images/navigator.png",

Docusaurus logo

4. Mint Your NFT

Finally, mint your NFT by providing necessary parameters like the name service, deployer, and owner information.

const tx = await{

Congratulations! You have successfully created your NFT using MinaNFT.

Next Steps

  • Explore different features and options provided by the MinaNFT library.
  • Experiment with different images and descriptions.
  • Learn more about how to trade or transfer your NFT.

Happy NFT creating!